Rosie Olang’ Odhiambo is a writer, artist and independent curator living and working in Nairobi, Kenya. She understands her various roles in the arts as framed by the late Toni Morrison relation to work: “I really only do one thing. I read books. I teach books. I write books, I think about books, it’s one job.”
Similarly, she really only does one thing, she looks at and thinks about art, she reads about art, she writes about it, she makes art primarily in community, it’s one job. Rosie has worked in research, communications, writing and project management roles with arts and culture organizations in East Africa and the United States. She is currently the co-founder of Magic Door, an experimental imprint in Nairobi, and serves as the Head of Programs at the Nairobi Contemporary Art Institute. She is an artist book and zine enthusiast, finds pleasure in gardening, and has learnt patience teaching her dog Arlo to respond to his name.
See full resume here.